INDEPENDENT STUDY: Listen to the following recording in green. Then complete the assignments below. Step 11 Chapter 6 Into Action pgs. 85-88
SPONSEES: skip the recording and complete the assignments below.
For all assignments you should pencil underline what is meaningful for you and/or write down any questions for discussion with a recovered compulsive overeater or partner in recovery.
1.Practice: Step 11 “TRUST GOD” connect with your HP through daily prayer & meditation
*2.Listen: Any “Special Edition” on Step 11
After Step 11: Promises Checklist- Am I surprised how the right answers have come when I have tried to relax, take it easy, and wait for God’s inspiration, an intuitive thought or decision? Has what used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration gradually become a working part of the mind? As time passes, is my thinking more and more on the plane of inspiration? Am I in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions? Have I become much more efficient? Do I not tire so easily?
*3.Read: Study Guide Step 12 Carry the Message
*4.Read: Step 12 AA 12&12
5.Read: Chapter 7 Working With Others Big Book pgs 89-103
6.Continue to: complete your amends(Step 9), CLEAN HOUSE(Step 10), TRUST GOD(Step 11), and practice abstinence/plan of eating(STEP 1)